Live Your Passion

 Passion as a way of being in your spaces! Susanna Newsonen, MAPP, author of The Path to Passionate Happiness, introduces us to the concept of seeing passion not as a way of life, but as ‘the passionate way of being’. She goes on to say this passionate way of being fuels our positive emotions and happiness.…

Wall Color – To Paint or Not To Paint

Change the Wall Color… That is the Question There are a lot of things to consider when deciding to re-decorate, but should your wall color be one of them? For most, saving money and making affordable updates is important. We’re all about creating beautiful spaces working with things you already have, keeping what’s working, and…

Find a Focal Point!

What’s a focal point? It’s the first thing you see when you walk into a space. Definition of a Focal Point NOUN 1. the point at which all elements or aspects converge; center of activity or attention. 2. the central or principal point of focus. If you don’t have a focal point, create one… It…