Finding Your Flow

Flow? Why it’s important? Our home should make us happy and productive, reducing stress, and feel welcoming. After all, our environment sets the tone for our lives. Living in spaces that make us happy can drastically alter the way we feel about ourselves and how we approach life. Have you ever found yourself looking at…

Live Your Passion

 Passion as a way of being in your spaces! Susanna Newsonen, MAPP, author of The Path to Passionate Happiness, introduces us to the concept of seeing passion not as a way of life, but as ‘the passionate way of being’. She goes on to say this passionate way of being fuels our positive emotions and happiness.…

Finding Your Own Special Space

Be creative when finding a space for a little “Me” time! In today’s hectic world we don’t always think about finding a little time for ourselves. When we do, it’s ridden with guilt, schedule juggling, and baby sitters. We convince ourselves it’s not worth all the hassle, “We can handle the stress!?” After a recent…

Chandeliers are Ceiling Jewelry!

Lose the Ceiling Fan Chandeliers are ceiling jewelry! Ladies, just like adding a pair of earrings or a bracelet are to an outfit. Guys, it’s like adding a nice watch or great pair of shoes! It pulls everything together from top to bottom. Don’t forget to look up when you’re updating your spaces! Click any of…

The Tao of Tweaking

There’s nothing stopping us from making changes today that will result in a complete transformation of our spaces and our happiness! Tweaking is “the way” to happiness! I’m passionate, some say obsessed, with creating beautiful spaces for people! Tao The word Tao translates as “the Way,” “the Path,” or “the way the universe works.” This…