Family Friendly Spaces

Stylish and Family-Friendly Can Co-Exist in Harmony! Many families hold off on decorating until their children are older, making do with old worn out furniture that’s way past it’s prime because they feel the kids will destroy everything. Children benefit from living among beautiful objects; they grow to appreciate and respect them. So, check out…

Give Your Space Personality

A fireplace face-lift and a neutral color palette turn a family room into a mid-century modern space full of personality. When I first walked into this riverside home, I was thrilled for the opportunity to Tweak its spaces. Many updates had taken place over its 38 years, seemingly carried out of necessity, and without a…

Chandeliers are Ceiling Jewelry!

Lose the Ceiling Fan Chandeliers are ceiling jewelry! Ladies, just like adding a pair of earrings or a bracelet are to an outfit. Guys, it’s like adding a nice watch or great pair of shoes! It pulls everything together from top to bottom. Don’t forget to look up when you’re updating your spaces! Click any of…

The Tao of Tweaking

There’s nothing stopping us from making changes today that will result in a complete transformation of our spaces and our happiness! Tweaking is “the way” to happiness! I’m passionate, some say obsessed, with creating beautiful spaces for people! Tao The word Tao translates as “the Way,” “the Path,” or “the way the universe works.” This…